Feliway Classic 30-Day Refill 48ml


  • Suitable for cats of all ages
  • Provide comfort and reassurance for cats that feel stress
  • Prevents and control unwanted behaviours
  • Derived from the natural feline facial pheromone
  • Not recommended for overly aggressive cats and behaviours not related to stress

Feliway Classic 30 Day Refill should only be used with the Feliway Classic Diffuser, an ideal solution to help cats deal with stress and prevent unwanted behaviours.

These behaviours include:

  • Urine marking/spraying: typically happens when there is a change in the environment
  • Scratching: when cats feel that there are changes being made in their territories or being invaded.
  • Hiding: when cats are afraid


Suitable For
Cats of all ages

Directions For Use
Plug diffuser upright into 230V to 240V socket
Plug diffuser(s) at place(s) your cat spends the most time in
Change refill every 30 days
Diffuser plug must be replaced after every 5 refills or every 6 months
Leave diffuser on 24/7 for best results

Please Note
Feliway Classic 30 Day Refill requires a Feliway Classic Diffuser.
Get yours now when you purchase a Feliway Classic Diffuser & Refill (48ml)


30 Day Starter Kit that comes with a diffuser and a 30 day refill.
Feliway Classic 30 Day Refill may not last up to 30 days in dry and hot weather, please monitor closely.
Feliway Classic is not suitable and recommended for use with cats that are overly aggressive and with behaviours that are not derived from stress.

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